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How Parents Involvement Can Support Their Kid’s Growth Via School Mobile App?


Do you ever find it challenging to recall your entire day? That's the reality of the fast-paced lives we lead, unfortunately. I can't help but reminisce about my childhood when my mother was always there, from preparing breakfast to getting me ready for school. My father, too, dedicated his time to pamper me when he returned from work. Those cozy evenings were filled with conversations, games, new dishes, and discussions about school. Looking back, I consider it one of my greatest blessings. While today's generation has access to a multitude of conveniences, it seems that parental involvement is dwindling.

Many parents, like me, must be wondering: What can be done to change this? So, let's not waste any more time and explore how eStudent technology can work wonders for the mental and emotional development of our kids. I'd like to emphasize the role of an exceptional school parent app, called Estudent, in the eStudent market. Amid the sea of parent communication apps, Estudent stands out as a top-rated app due to its advanced features and functionalities. Whether you're a parent or an educator, you're bound to benefit from what Estudent has to offer in the eStudent realm.

Discover how the EStudent app by Estudent can elevate parental involvement and support the growth of students:

  • Enhanced Learning Quality: Integrated with e-learning tools and technology, Estudent elevates the quality of education. It empowers educators to adopt modern teaching methods while enabling parents to stay informed about their child's virtual learning activities. Through the eStudent app, parents can easily check their children's daily homework status, attendance, and more. If inconsistencies arise, parents can communicate with their child to address any issues or reach out to teachers via the app's chat messenger feature. Encouraging words can go a long way, and Estudent serves as a bridge to nurture relationships among all stakeholders while alleviating stress.

  • Realistic Student Learning Outcomes: At the core of Estudent lies the 'Smart Analytics Dashboard,' a crucial feature that holds comprehensive student-related information for assessment, monitoring, and enhancing learning outcomes. Just as a doctor diagnoses a patient before treatment, the analytics dashboard aids educators in identifying areas of a student's academic journey that may need improvement. By generating detailed reports, it offers insights into every facet of a student's academic history. For parents concerned about their child's performance, these reports provide valuable insights into the challenges their children are facing. Armed with this understanding, parents can engage with their children and devise strategies to help them overcome academic hurdles.

  • Event Reminders and Alerts: We understand that parents often find it challenging to attend school events due to their professional commitments. However, parent-teacher meetings and seemingly minor events can hold immense significance in a child's life. Every child yearns for care and encouragement from their parents, viewing them as real-life heroes. Neglecting scholastic events can negatively impact a child's well-being. To address this, Estudent offers an exceptional feature – automatic reminders and alerts. These notifications are sent directly to parents via email and personal phones, allowing them to plan their schedules in advance. Even if parents are unable to attend, they can access videos, photos, and event highlights through the app portal. This feature serves to boost parental involvement during a child's school years, strengthening the parent-child bond.

Why we are best

Our app is the ultimate solution for teachers, students, and schools alike. For teachers, it streamlines communication with students and parents, making assignments and learning materials easily accessible, while also facilitating virtual parent-teacher meetings and providing real-time insights. Students benefit from a user-friendly platform that helps them stay organized, track assignments, and access a wealth of educational resources. Schools, on the other hand, can rely on our app to enhance communication, foster academic excellence, and encourage parental involvement, all while simplifying administrative tasks and offering valuable data-driven decision-making tools. Whether you're an educator, student, or part of a school administration, our app is designed to support your journey toward educational success.

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