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School Mobile App - Top Five Must-Have Significant Features


The eStudent app has taken the educational world by storm, especially among the tech-savvy generation of students. It's not just about textbooks and traditional reading anymore; today's students are embracing e-books and video tutorials. Thanks to the eStudent app, they're not only becoming smarter but also learning new skills at an accelerated pace. However, technology can be a double-edged sword, and its impact largely depends on how it's harnessed. When used wisely, mobile apps can significantly contribute to student progress.

According to a recent survey, an astonishing 94% of students express a desire to use cell phones in the classroom. Now, let's delve into seven key features that educators should prioritize when selecting an eStudent app.

Now, let's delve into seven key features that educators should prioritize when selecting an EStudent app.

  • Online Learning: A top priority for educators is the provision of e-learning.This is particularly beneficial for students in distant locations or those unable to attend school due to physical disabilities. Online teaching allows educators to organize assessments and quizzes to gauge student comprehension, tailoring the curriculum to their performance, ultimately enhancing their academic journey.

  • Automated Attendance: An automated attendance feature simplifies the process of tracking attendance for both students and staff. With separate accounts on their mobile devices, teachers can easily mark attendance. Parents receive instant notifications when their child's attendance is recorded, improving communication.

  • Homework Management: The eStudent app streamlines homework management, allowing teachers to assign and evaluate homework conveniently from anywhere at any time. With just a few clicks, teachers can generate comprehensive homework reports that can be instantly shared with parents and students.

  • News and Notices: Keep parents and students informed about the latest school news, updates, and notices. The app is a reliable source for important notifications regarding events, circulars, and activities, including crucial academic information, tests, and examination notices. Research shows that 28% of student activities are related to notifications from school authorities, with 7% specifically related to academic information.

  • Parent-Teacher Communication: The eStudent app plays a pivotal role in enhancing parent-teacher and student engagement. With AI-powered analytics dashboards, it becomes an invaluable tool, providing real-time information to parents about their child's performance in academic and extracurricular activities, attendance history, and test results.

Why we are best

Our app is the ultimate solution for teachers, students, and schools alike. For teachers, it streamlines communication with students and parents, making assignments and learning materials easily accessible, while also facilitating virtual parent-teacher meetings and providing real-time insights. Students benefit from a user-friendly platform that helps them stay organized, track assignments, and access a wealth of educational resources. Schools, on the other hand, can rely on our app to enhance communication, foster academic excellence, and encourage parental involvement, all while simplifying administrative tasks and offering valuable data-driven decision-making tools. Whether you're an educator, student, or part of a school administration, our app is designed to support your journey toward educational success.

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